Rom for komposisjon

Rom for komposisjon

Master Class with Wolfgang Plagge


Kalkmølla Kulturstasjon


Kalkmølla Kulturstasjon

Room for Composition - Masterclass with Wolfgang Plagge

Into the world of composition. Masterclass with composer, pianist, and communicator Wolfgang Plagge. Explore Béla Bartók's world of composition in a masterclass dedicated to his music. Dive deep into Bartók's compositions and gain insight into his unique style and creative approach.

Wolfgang Plagge started composing as a child and now has an extensive catalog of works with rich content. As a piano soloist and chamber musician, he is active worldwide and collaborates with many of our most renowned musicians, both domestically and internationally. Wolfgang Plagge is also known as a popular lecturer and music communicator, with numerous programs on NRK.

"Room for" is a new Saturday series of deep dives for children and young people, and especially for music and art lovers. We aim to offer the audience a unique experience where they can immerse themselves in the world of music and art through a series of intimate and exploratory masterclasses, lectures, and concerts.

Price: 125 - 280
Duration: 2 timer m/pause
  • Saturday 4. May 2024 Kl. 14:00
    This show is played

Kalkmølla Kulturstasjon

Franzefossveien 18, 1336 Sandvika