Stein Torleif Bjella

Stein Torleif Bjella

A Master Class at the Øvre-Ål Songwriter's Academy


Store Sal


Bærum Kulturhus

The storyteller, the songwriter the stalwarth: Stein Torleif Bjella is a jack of all trades. He's at its best when on stage, encapsulated by his timeless, minor-grandiose, everyday-poetic songs. The stage is set for a night of masterful storytelling and solid musicianship. 

Price: 175 - 485
Duration: 2 timer u/pause
  • Thursday 16. September 2021 Kl. 19:30
    This show is played

Store Sal

Bærum Kulturhus
Claude Monets allé 27
1338 Sandvika