Foto: Kavitha Laxmi
Paintings alive
Opplev den Sør-indiske klassiske dansestilen Bharathanatyam.
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Arts & Dance Institute
I 2017 gjenskapte Kavitha noen av maleriene til Raja Ravi Varma. Etter suksessen med å gjenskape fotografi, unnfanget vi ideen om en Bharatanatyam-resital for å markere ideologien til indisk kunst gjennom Ravi Varma-malerier - "Paintings Alive".
Paintings Alive' Koreografi vil bli fylt med søken etter visdom, spiritualitet, symbolikk - historiefortelling - romantikk - skjønnhet - erotik og realisme.
Paintings Alive'Choreography will be filled with the search for wisdom (Spirituality) - symbolism - storytelling - romance - beauty - lust, and realism.
In 2017 Kavitha recreated some of the paintings of Raja Ravi Varma. After the sucess of recreating photography, we conceived the idea of a Bharatanatyam recital to mark the ideologi of Indian Art through Ravi Varma paintings - 'Paintings Alive'.
Om Skole
Kalasadhana is a Norway-based dance center, which in its teaching and performance adheres to ideas, forms, and texts of Tamil aesthetics.
The center aims at bringing in novelty in theme and staging, without depriving Tamil dance of its traditional form, spirit, and philosophical foundation. Focussing on universal issues of humanity, the center is open to incorporating world literature in the thematic rejuvenation of traditional dance.
Kalasadhana upholds independence in the choice of subject matter and envisages to broaden the scope of Tamil dance by providing aesthetic space to all shades of inner seeking of the human mind.
Søndag 22. januar 2023 Kl. 17.00Forestillingen er spilt